آي تي للتمكين العالمي

Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk is a help desk software that gives the ability to manage your customer support activities efficiently.
Through Zoho Desk you can assign, track and set up alerts on help desk tickets easily. Zoho Desk helps you stay on top of every aspect of your customer service effort.

إدارة عملية الدعم دون أي خلل

يمكنك إضافة تذكرة دعم، وتخصيصها للأشخاص المعنيين، وتصعيدها على أساس خطورة الشكوى ويمكنك حل المشكلة بالإضافة إلى تقييم العملاء

التقارير ولوحات المعلومات

احصل على رؤى مفيدة حول أداء فريقك من خلال لوحات معلومات وتقارير مخصصة. يمكن إنشاء التقارير لتتبع الوقت المستغرق في كل تذكرة ومهمة. ليس هذا فحسب، بل يمكن للنظام أيضًا المساعدة في تتبع مدى توفر الموظف، والتذاكر الأكثر تكرارًا، ويمكنه قياس تقييمات العملاء

يمكن تصميم النظام وفقًا لاحتياجات العمل

يمكن تخصيص النظام ليس فقط من خلال المظهر والشكل ولكن أيضًا من خلال كيفية تصرفه. يمكن تخزين التفاصيل المتعلقة بالخدمات في تخطيطات مختلفة. يمكنك تحديد كل خطوة من الإنشاء إلى الإغلاق. يمكن أن يساعد هذا النظام في إنشاء بوابة الخدمة الذاتية لكل العملاء

إدارة معلومات العميل عبر جميع نقاط الاتصال

على عكس الأساليب الأخرى التي تتضمن منتجات منفصلة، نظام زوهو لإدارة العملاء هو نظام يتميز بأنه مجموعة متكاملة من حلول التفاعل مع العملاء. امنح فريقك الذي يتعامل مع العملاء رؤية شاملة لعملائك عبر جميع نقاط الاتصال لتوفير تجربة سلسة ومتسقة في كل مرحلة من مراحل رحلة العميل

تصميم النظام لبناء قوة عاملة أكثر سعادة

نحن نعتني بعمليات الموارد البشرية الخاصة بك سواء كان الأمر يتعلق باستيعاب الموظفين، أو إدارة الحضور، أو تتبع الوقت أو التقييمات - فنحن نغطي كل ذلك

Bringing logic to design with a spirit of curiosity and excitement

A team of creative designers & strategists


See your authentic mission, and values come to life with a unique brand image.


See your authentic mission, and values come to life with a unique brand image.

User Experience

See your authentic mission, and values come to life with a unique brand image.

Design-led digital trasformation

We combine business opportunities with customer expectations to design, transform and deliver useful products, and unique brand experiences.

Tansition to sustainable futures

We combine business opportunities with customer expectations to design, transform and deliver useful products, and unique brand experiences.

We empower our partners

We combine business opportunities with customer expectations to design, transform and deliver useful products, and unique brand experiences.
helping entrepreneurs make more money

Unlimited cash back, zero fees, no credit check

Strategy & Business

We design business models and growth strategies to be effective and competitive.

Product Development

We design business models and growth strategies to be effective and competitive.

Futures Research

We design business models and growth strategies to be effective and competitive.


Keep information from docs, wikis, and projects in one place — so all teams row in the same direction.


Keep information from docs, wikis, and projects in one place — so all teams row in the same direction.


Keep information from docs, wikis, and projects in one place — so all teams row in the same direction.

Develop your next business today

We design new concepts, prototypes and processes for the next generation of services and experiences, ready for the market.

Strategies that get you on the path to success

Through an in-depth knowledge of all industrial sectors and the application of approaches such as Lean Strategy, and Business Design, we prepare organisations to welcome change, to be ready to evolve rapidly while remaining competitive in the market.

Digital consulting for growing your goals

We help clients develop a digital strategy so they know what they need to do and why they need to do it.

Data & Analytics Consulting

Solutions include digital experience services that facilitate your ongoing success.

Accelerating Workplace Collaboration

Solutions include digital experience services that facilitate your ongoing success.

Strategy & Business

We design business models and growth strategies to be effective and competitive.

Product Design

We design business models and growth strategies to be effective and competitive.

Futures Research

We design business models and growth strategies to be effective and competitive.

We work mainly with digital agencies and software companies

Outstanding software and services that solve your hassle

Technology Services

Together we transform your business from the people to the processes.

Operational Excellence

Together we transform your business from the people to the processes.

Business Consulting

Together we transform your business from the people to the processes.

Have some questions?

Arcus Park, Str. 231-233, 04347
Leipzig, Germany.

+49 340 90020
+49 340 90040


Technology Services

If you’re looking for a dedicated partner to entrust your software & app development someone reliable and skilled enough to accompany you through your technical blockage, we are the one.

Offshore Development

If you’re looking for a dedicated partner to entrust your software & app development someone reliable and skilled enough to accompany you through your technical blockage, we are the one.

Mobile App Development

If you’re looking for a dedicated partner to entrust your software & app development someone reliable and skilled enough to accompany you through your technical blockage, we are the one.

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